Friday, February 13, 2009

Caleb turned 14 years old! I was pregnant with Caleb when we moved from Florida to North Carolina. My pregnancy was difficult emotionally and his birth was a welcome relief from that. So we have lived in North Carolina for the past 14 years now. WOW! Seems like just yesterday in some ways and in others a lifetime ago. Caleb is a special young man. He has always had the most perfect smile. Caleb has a very unique personality. One in that he doesn't really care what others think about him. He isn't afraid to be different and is very charming. There is a sensitive side to him as well. Caleb is upset when your upset and happy when your happy. I appreciate that Caleb want to do the right thing. I hope he always chooses to do the right. I can't imagine my life without him! I love you Caleb.


Adam said...

Happy Birthday Caleb, your cool guy. Keep your cool guy ways.

Trish said...

Happy Birthday Caleb! Hope you had a wonderful day!

Tsanders said...

happy Birthday to Caleb! Aimee, I can't believe he is 14, he was just a baby when Jay and I got married. He sounds like a great kid.