Monday, August 3, 2009

Tarheel Conference Champions 2009

This summer my kids and I had to make a we continue swimming with the McDowell Mariners, my Alma Mater, or make the switch to Morganton Marlins where we live. It makes sense to swim in Morganton, however with family ties and friends, we have continued swimming with McDowell for the past several years. Well this summer we made the switch, and while we missed those whom we've grown close to, it has been a good summer. Saturday, our team won the Conference Championship with McDowell not far behind. We aren't bragging, or glad we switched because we won, just glad because summer has been much less stressful from having to drive one town over every weekday just to swim. I for one was also able to enjoy watching my children swim for once instead of being on the sidelines as a coach! I was proud of all three of my little swimmers this season and past Sat. They were awesome! Way to go Caleb, Joshua, Rahlee, and way to go Morganton and McDowell!!!!