Friday, March 13, 2009

Pinewood Derby Girl Style!

Well, when Joshua graduated from Cub Scouts this past year I thought my Pine Wood Derby days were all over. Rahlee just turned 8 years old and is now part of Achievement Days at church on Wednesdays for the 8-11 years old girls (similar to Girl Scouts). And what was the very first activity she gets to participate in but a "derby". Ugh! I thought I had made my last derby car. To my excitement, Rahlee's older brothers took right over and helped her make and paint her car and then assemble it in preparation for "Race Day"! It definitely had the female flare and was lots of fun! I think regardless of what place she came in, Rahlee did too!

Rahlee Is 8!

Our little Rahlee turned 8 years old on the 3rd of March. Rahlee has her own unique personality with a strong sense of compassion for those around her. She is so smart and loves school. Rahlee celebrated her birthday with a skating party in which she spent more time on the floor than on her feet. LOL! We love Rahlee, she is a special part of our family and brings so much joy into our lives.